Picturesque Tensioned

Picturesque Tensioned

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  • Picturesque Tensioned 01
  • Picturesque Tensioned 02
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Picturesque Tensioned

Self-tightening system – The tension strings on the sides of the screen can be easily adjusted by turning the knobs on either side of the bottom rod, preventing V-shape wrinkles and maintaining a flat surface.

Easy installation – Adjustable L-shape brackets make it extremely easy for ceiling, wall or suspension mounting.

Stylish and durable – The aluminum alloy outer case is stylish and durable, available in white or black color.

Unique roller design – Large diameter roller ensures long-term flatness of screen surface.

Quiet motor is standard equipped – Ensures smooth, extra quiet operation.

Control options – Standard equipped with 3 button in-line switch. External or built – in smart control is optional.

Surface selection – HD100 / HD Grey 80 / HD130E / HD Grey 150 / HD130 / HD Grey 70 / 3D Optical / HD Rear / Dual Vision

Size Chart

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